The famous pair of boots. Flynn family tradition. Nick, Ian, Emily, Eric, Elana and now Logan have all received a nice pair of cowboy boots. Thanks Nicki!
Logan wanted to try on every new pair of pajamas, read every new book and play with every new toy!
Soon after Logan woke up on Christmas morning (at 6:30 am) he began to understand why everyone was so excited about Santa coming. Logan was not one to rush the present opening he happily played with each gift until mommy or daddy coaxed him onto the next.
Logan and I decided to bake Christmas cookies. I walked over to turn on some Christmas music knowing that would complete the mood. I think this was the dumbest thing I have ever done. I left Logan (yes, the Logan that LOVES butter) alone next to the cookie makings. I returned to him gobbling up a stick of butter.
Our chickens are very social. They come right up to you and ask for food or to be pet. Logan takes full advantage of this situation and often times brings them into the house to surprise mommy!