Grandma, Grandpa, Logan and myself went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. We had so much fun we bought a year pass so Daddy could come when he got back. We only saw part of the park, here are a few of the things we saw!
Logan and Grandma seem to be drawn to the scraggly bird.
For a few dollars we bought a few cups of nectar. The birds loved this nectar. They would land right on you and eat it up. The only down fall was that they ate a lot of nectar. It came out of them just about as fast as it went into them. One of the birds took aim about 3 feet above Logan and shot you know what down his arm and on his shorts (note the slimy looking stuff in the bottom picture). I thought this was hilarious - Logan was kinda confused!
There were so many exciting things at the Wild Animal Park. Logan's continued to be very amused by the big ball. The big ball was actually a large hot air balloon. I have to assume it was the biggest ball Logan had ever seen!
The day that we went to the zoo was the first day they had the mommy with the babies out. The pictures I took didn't come out very well - she was pretty stressed. Daddy lion seemed like he could care less as you can tell.