Sunday, December 5, 2010

Logan First Fairy Ride!

We had just crossed the Richmond San Rafael bridge on the way into Marin and Nick was explaining to Logan about the fairy boats. Logan took a moment looking perplexed and asked if those boats are where all fairy's (like tinkerbell) lived? So . . . needless to say Grandma treated us to a trip on the boat. Thanks Grandma!

This is a combined thank you, thanks to Nickie and Henry for use of the of the fire place (we don't get to use our fireplace here) and thanks to Schranz-Flynn family for the flannel pjs!

My First Christmas Quilt.

I hand sewed my first quilt. This quilt went to little Maggie (Sophie & Han's little one) for her first Christmas.

Recycling Jeans

The cover that went over the springs on the trampoline were starting to disintegrate so we started pricing a new cover. Nick and I began eyeballing a bag of old jeans that were going to be donated. Yes, we did it, and it worked great. We attached the jeans waist to ankle and then zip tied them to the frame of the trampoline. Oh ya, we are on the green team!

Friday, December 3, 2010

First School Picture

Aaaaaawwwww! I had no idea that they did school pictures in preschool!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Party

We went to a Halloween party up the road. The first picture is of Nick holding Fynn (Chelsey's son, Ivy's brother). The lady throwing the party used food coloring to decorate her dogs and goats! Bottom picture, Logan (Buzz Lightyear) & Ivy Llittle Mermaid)

The Visitor!

On my first day babysitting I was driving the kids home from school to my home. I went up the first bend of the driveway and saw what I thought was a chubby dog wagging it's tail in the middle of the driveway. Coming closer I realized it was a PIG! Nick lured the pig up to our house with cheerios and apples. We eventually founds the pig's home. The part that really made me laugh was piggy's name, Beans, yes, beans the pig!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Logan and his Pumpkin!

When Logan picks something out he has a very strong attachment to it for a while. This summer when he harvested the first eggplant he slept with it that night. After the pumpkin came home with us Logan decided that it should watch TV with him. Very cute and everything, I did not find it amusing, the pumpkin was 67 pounds! (oh, the mess on his face was from eating ribs and the mess on his feet, that was from the garden).

Sprouting seeds

We have started experimenting with sprouting our own seeds. Kind of fun, healthy and inexpensive! We are using alfalfa seeds, mung beans and a spicy blend ( radish, mustard, etc)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Slip & Slide

Slip & Slide with Nick, Mike and Monica . . . way too much fun!

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First Day of School!

I was trying to snap a few pictures as Nick dragged me out of the classroom. On the way home Nick scolded me for answering the questions the teacher was asking the kids about the book she was reading. Ooops!

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Making Pickles!

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Friday, August 13, 2010

MaryAnn, Fred & Zoo Animals!

While MaryAnn, Fred and Lily were here we decided to take our first ever trip to the San Diego Zoo. We had a BLAST! Logan and I felt right at home!