Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Party

We went to a Halloween party up the road. The first picture is of Nick holding Fynn (Chelsey's son, Ivy's brother). The lady throwing the party used food coloring to decorate her dogs and goats! Bottom picture, Logan (Buzz Lightyear) & Ivy Llittle Mermaid)

The Visitor!

On my first day babysitting I was driving the kids home from school to my home. I went up the first bend of the driveway and saw what I thought was a chubby dog wagging it's tail in the middle of the driveway. Coming closer I realized it was a PIG! Nick lured the pig up to our house with cheerios and apples. We eventually founds the pig's home. The part that really made me laugh was piggy's name, Beans, yes, beans the pig!