The first box is ALL strawberries, I have a constant battle going on with the slugs in that box, the other 2 boxes are chard, broccoli, shallots, cauliflower, carrots, beets and brussel sprouts.
I think beets and carrots are Logan's favorite veggies to pick (and eat) because you can just barley see the tops but it gives you a good enough idea of the size.
We enjoyed growing cauliflower in the garden this year. It was pretty amazing watching it grow. We let Logan carry the plant up to the house, it was pretty funny!
I recently emptied the goods from my compost tumbler into my garden. I mixed things around and about a week later I discovered fun stuff like this. This was an old tomato that had not fully broken down. It obviously had some pretty strong little seeds, a little sun and some water and POOF I have a whole bunch of tomato seedlings. My entire summer garden has come from volunteers!