Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Fun in the Sun!

Breakfast was not ready fast enough!

As I was rushihng around the kithchen to get Logan's bagel ready I noticed that he had his own breakfast plans.

Only a Grandpa's Love

It was 90 degrees in Temecula the other day and Grandpa came over to play with Logan in the sprinkler. So much fun!

Friday, March 9, 2007

After the bath Logan always has extra energy! He gets extremely goofy!

After shooting a few cute pictures we escape to play in the pillows.

Buh bye!

Getting ready for a bath Logan loves to threaten to put his shoes and socks in the tub. He finds this very funny!

Recently Logan has really enjoyed to express himself artistically. He loves to draw. Sometimes we have a difficult time keeping the pen on the paper. It looks so much better on the floor, on mommy and on himself.

Food is so much fun! Logan is now 14 months old!