Thursday, March 27, 2008

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter!

Easter Sunday!

Hot, hot, hot! It was a warm one. Just before the hunt Logan took a dip in the pool and played with the hose.
Note the chocolate on Logan's hat.

Needless to say Easter Sunday was a very warm day. All of the chocolate that the bunny left us was melted. Logan found this very amusing!

Easter Animals!

Pona our Easter lizard and Mo the Easter Dog!
Sorry guys, I did this totally backwards (read bottom first). Here is Logan in the classroom. He has no need for me there. Logan is far from shy here.

Early Education Center!

Logan and I have discovered a pot of gold! It is an early education center funded by the First Five of California (they get their money from tobacco taxes). This is a mommy and me program everyday of the week. It is structured time that mimics pre-school so that children can be socialized early and learn some basic fundamentals. We have play time, sining time, music time and on Fridays craft time. I was planning on taking some pictures right when we got there but Logan did not even give me a chance - he was off!

A Visit from Aunt Shirley!

We had a wonderful visit from my Aunt Shirley. She could only stay for the day but we had a lot of fun. Logan absolutely loved her and the new car pajamas the she brought for him.