Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rudy and Mommy.

Rudy and Kim came to visit us while we were camping. We all took a ride on the boat, Rudy even got to drive!

Logan and Rudy!

I love these shots because I can show them these pictures when they are in High School to remind them how sweet and cute they used to be. Again, enthralled by the dead fish. Boys will be boys!

Logan was completely enthralled with the fish that daddy caught while camping. He sat over the cooler for hours talking to it, poking it, holding it and so on. He said good night to it and then greeted it in the morning when we got up.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Home grown carrots!

I think that it is so funny how proud I am of these carrots. Nothing was showing in the garden so Logan and I decided to check on the carrots and the potatoes. It was so exciting to see how much they have grown. It is funny because you know they are there but because they grow under ground you can't come check on the progress, you can only imagine what they look like. My pride and joy get crunched up within minutes. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

Ho, ho, ho, I'm Santa Claus!

It is kind of funny walking into bath time hearing and seeing this!