Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nick and I made gift baskets with homemade canned goods this year.
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Christmas Eve at the Sellier's!

Maddy, Mariah and Monica

(pic 2) Mike made Paella

(pic 3) Marisa and Emily
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Maddy made sock monkeys for Christmas, everyone loved them! (pic 2) Daddy and Logan (pic 3) Hawkins, Maddy and Mariah

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Christmas Morning

This was actually the day after Christmas at 7:30 am. Logan got a bunch of survival gear from his aunt Emily and get himself up and dressed and let me know that he would be back by dinner (the vest is full of pockets that hold valuable survival gear).
This was Christmas morning. (pic 2) I guess Santa has a sense of humor! Logan has been bugging us for a sweet potato for a while now (before that it was a coconut). Santa put a sweet potato in Logan's stocking. Logan was AMAZED!
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