Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today is the DAY!

Finally, 2 months of waiting and we are ready to get the cast off. We got up at 7am to hit the road. If you notice the different color of the cast I can explain. A week ago Logan and I were on our way home from Costco in the car and he was playing with a "Lucky Penny", well this lucky penny somehow made its way into the cast. I did not think this was a huge deal but I called the hospital to double check. They seemed to think it was a little more important than I did, they scheduled us to come in within the hour (the hospitakl is 45 minutes away). Within 2 days a penny can create a wound that could be dangerous especially near the surgical site. Well when we got the cast off and looked at it that is exactly what it was doing. Ooooops!

Now the final cast is off this nasty foot. It was wonderful taking him home and letting him soak in the tub! We are closely monitoring the foot and keeping it braced 24 hours a day (except for swimming and baths). After 6 weeks of the brace we will go back in for the next instructions!
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The cast coming off!

Most kids are a little afraid of the noise the vibrating saw makes, Logan was no exception!
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The Brace!

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Head Shaving Party!

Even our Harley joined in (he had hair to his shoulders). Hello Summer!
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Fish Faces!

Yes, I probably should have skipped putting these on the blog but every time I look at them they make me laugh. They kind of look like they were singing or saying something! Sorry guys!

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Nick's Happy Birthday Fishing Trip!

Nick and Ian went out on a overnight fishing trip to celebrate Nick's last year in the 20's. Logan was in absolute heaven when Nick returned!
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